2022 June 12 * reworked Generated, Image and Composed to use GL 4+ cubemap texture -- use as 'normal' texture, going through normal CPU side process x (but GPU side needs work - still going through little cubemap frag shader, not ubershader) 2020 Apr 5 * fixed GeneratedCubeMap (save bstack->backgroundMatrix, do 6, restore) - and earthRise_GP.x3d aka tilted backgrounds still work 2020 Apr 4 x something broke because nothing is working or I'm not sure if its working x and I don't know which of these scenes ever worked x and I don't know what they are supposed to look like freewrl4/5 view3dscene instant composedCub2.wrl OK X swirl cubemapfacebackground.wrl X X2 X X GeneratedCubeMap.wrl X3 X4 X6 X5 generatedcubmap_castle.wrl x x X parsing GneratedCubeMap_control.wrl OK7 X8 X10 X9 GeneratedCubeMap_dynamic.wrl OK X11 X13 X12 GeneratedCubeMap_multiple.wrl OK X14 GeneratedCubeMap_teapot,wrl OK X15 X16 X17 icosphere.wrl - just an icosphere icosphere.x3d ImageCubeMap_dds_earth.wrl X X ImageCubeMap_dds2.wrl OK OK18 ImageCubeMap_earth.wrl X X ImageCubeMap_png.wrl OK OK18 X X19 ImageCubeMap_web3dit.wrl OK OK18 old/ImageCubeMap/ImageCubeMap.x3d OK OK nada texture not regenning X2 bacground stitched together wrong X3 texture moving on a sphere X4 weird stuttering ball in-place, background likely has problems too X5 black ball, background looks right X6 swirl ballk, background looks right OK7 - the control is stopping and starting a texturing based on the rotating teometry x8 - i see no change in texture, and this one has a a background X9 - black teapot X10 v3dscene doesn't do javascript, teapot texture not dynamically updated either X11 teapot is reflecting a background, but not dynamically generating a texture X12 black teapot x13 static teapot texture X14 texture not dynamically updated X15 stuttering background (vs no background for freewrl4) X16 no texture update, teapot not shiny X17 teapot not shiny, background OK OK18 great - beats freewrl4 by showing background X19 static texture on sphere Summary of scenes for testing: - ImageCubeMap_png.wrl Q. should it have a background or not? - if no, freewrl4 is right - if yes, freewrl work is right - it has a background node with the 4 textures, current freewrl 4.5 is correct, freewrl4 is wrong - GeneratedCubeMap_control.wrl - freewrl4 working, current 4.5 not. Git > revision checking for breakage > VolumeRendering_I > likely in texture_to_opengl function /old/ImageCubeMap/ImageCubeMap.txt says: """ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cube_mapping http://www.web3d.org/files/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/env_texture.html there are 3 types of CubemapTexture nodes: Composed - 6 url fields for front, back, top, left ... Generated - inline values for the sides Image - single url field - here they mention DDS as a possible format and give a link, but don't make it a requirement """ 2016-09-13 http://www.nvidia.com/object/cube_map_ogl_tutorial.html - the cm_ images taken from this page Other browser aren't showing our cubemap stuff. Closest: InstantReality which appears to be looking for a square texture that covers the sphere - confirmed with _earth.wrl A few appear to load .dds, but then we see swirls, and not sure why H: channel/component confusion ie RGBA (I'm using RGB) H: different assumption about cubemap layout - (but I used gimp dds, and confirmed with ati cubemapgen tool)